Customer Care
Pre Sales Questions
How do I go about giving a CEIVA frame as a gift?
What is the return policy for CEIVA frames and accessories?
What types of memory cards can CEIVA frames use?
Is there an extra cost to use the CEIVA Channels and Galleries?
What is CEIVA True-to-Photo™ technology?
Can the CEIVA frame get photos from a thumb drive or flash drive?
How much energy / electricity does it take to run a CEIVA frame?
Does the CEVA frame work with the Magic Jack?
Does the CEIVA frame work with a home digital phone system?
Can I use my home internet network to send pictures directly to my frame from my computer?
Does the CEIVA frame save photos from an inserted memory card?
Can I use my CEIVA frame in my office?
Do CEIVA frames work from inside a retirement community?
If I own more than one CEIVA frame, do I need more than one PicturePlan?
I have the Lifeline / Life Alert medical device. Will my CEIVA frame conflict with it?
How do products ship when I purchase at
Does the CEIVA frame work with Verizon™ FIOS?
Does the CEIVA frame work with Vonage? (VoIP)
Does the CEIVA frame work with wireless phone jacks?
Does the CEIVA frame work with Bluetooth?
Does the CEIVA frame work with cable phone systems?
Contact Us
CEIVA Logic Inc.
214 E. Magnolia Blvd.Burbank, CA 91502
Customer Care Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm PT
8:00 am - 4:30 pm PT