The colorful bouquet of flowers in the Flower Channel has been a long-time favorite of the CEIVA Channel lineup, and now we're inviting you to share your best and brightest flower photos to showcase, too! Send in your photo for a chance to have it featured for the entire CEIVA membership to see.

Guidelines for your photos

  1. Make sure your photos are at least 1280 pixels wide and 960 pixels high by checking your camera's resolution before you shoot.
  2. Avoid harsh lighting and flash; flowers are often most vibrant in indirect lighting or overcast conditions.
  3. We'll be adding the photographer's name to the photo. Please do not add your own borders, text, or other artwork to your photo.
  4. Use a large aperture to blur backgrounds and bring your flowers into better focus. Some cameras have a macro setting that helps achieve this effect, too.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Entry Form
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Email Address:
Address 1:
Address 2:
ZIP/Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
*Your Photo

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* For security purposes, please enter the word you see in the field below.

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